We hired 10 of the leading artists from the town of Petite Riviere to design and paint a mural on a cinder block wall which borders the town's central square. We supplied the materials and asked the artists to design and paint a mural which illustrates their vision of Petite Riviere's future. As the artists painted, more people from Petite Riviere turned up to watch, many of whom were more than happy to help out when asked.....especially the children, and the extraordinary result of this community project is shown below.
Each panel of the mural serves as a beautiful example example of the unfailing optimism and resiliency of the Haitian people:
An image of lush, farmable land; the result of a vastly improved system of canals.
An image of a bridge which no longer isolates Petite Riviere from trade and travel each rainy season when the rivers rise.
An imagined building which is Petite Riviere's Health Centre and University.
Edward Rawson (far left) and Mural Project Supervisor, Nick Atkins (in baseball cap) with mural artists.
the murals are beautiful. what a great and positif project.